Do not make purchases impulsively
Shop with a list and the budget for that day’s shopping trip. Avoid purchasing items such as lottery and raffle tickets, vending machine items, fundraising group items and fast food from gas stations or convenience stores (All these items cost much more than what you can make from home or regular grocery stores. Plus, games of chance are simply gambling and since you are usually limited on funds to start out your self-employment, you do not want to waste your money, anyway).
• If you are married or living with a domestic partner, use a joint checking account to pay your utility bills and other home expenses. If you are single and living alone, use a separate checking account to pay your bills and home expenses. Ideally, you want to keep these transactions separate so you know your bills will be paid in full and on time.
• If you are married or living with a domestic partner, use separate personal checking and savings accounts for purchases. If you wish to pool funds, in any way, whether for business expenses or bequeathing funds upon the death of a partner/spouse, please obtain all pertinent information in exact detail in writing and with legal counsel to notarize. You want to make sure that in the case of divorce/separation that you receive what is yo