Why There Will Never Be Another Bitcoin



Why There Will Never Be Another Bitcoin



Well, it’s been a crazy 10 years for Bitcoin. Actually it’s over 10 years since Bitcoin was first created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Whoever, he, she or they were, they’ve had a profound effect on the world. They no doubt predicted that which is why they chose to disappear from the limelight.


So over a decade later Bitcoin is still alive and stronger than ever. Thousands of other crypto coins have come along since all trying to imitate the king of Crypto. All have failed and will continue to fail. Bitcoin is one a kind. Something that can’t be replicated. If you don’t know why then let me explain.


If you don’t know what Bitcoin is I’ll just give you a few brief key points:


Bitcoin Is An Online Cryptocurrency

It Has a Maximum Supply of 21 Million

It Can’t Be Forged

Not All Coins Are in Circulation Yet

It Is Fully Decentralized Without Anybody Controlling It

It Can’t Be Censored

It is Peer to Peer Money

Anyone Can Use It

Bitcoin Has a Fixed Supply Which Decreases Every 4 Years



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10342033

Author: IP blog

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